
It's 5AM at Home...

Hi again America,

We had a welcome activity at the beach a few days ago, here are some pictures!

Things are going great here. I am sorry if I have not talked to you at home yet, I am trying to get on the internet often at night, around dinner time for you all. So hopefully we will chat soon.

I got an internship with this guy named Jimmy (who I will meet on Sunday), who is in charge of the Coalition of Public Health in Haifa. I am going to be helping him with research regarding pollution and cancer in the Haifa area. He already sent me a bunch of stuff to read and hopefully I will learn a lot and be of some help to him!

Some cultural differences that will take getting used to:

NO DRIP COFFEE! This morning I asked for a coffee at the cafe and they all looked at me like I was nuts because I didn't want a latte or a cappucino, I just wanted coffee. Ha, thankfully there was an American working there so she understood and from now on I know to ask for Americano. She did make me a delicious cup with a heart drawn into foam on the top (apparently my coffee still needs foam on it).

PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION! Lots of busses, which makes me feel more environmentally conscious. They don't, however, recycle here very much. Maybe I can include that in my project!

CATS AS SQUIRRELS! Apparently here, cats take the place of squirrels. Which makes me sad to see so many sick ones running around and scrounging through trash cans. But I try to speak friendly cat hebrew to them, ha! It makes me more happy to know my cat Marceley is safe and taken care of at home.

Ok, time to go check out the gym.

Much love to you all,
Orli Shool (Hebrew-pronunciation!)

1 comment:

msp3484 said...

where's the picture of you and zohan?