
Jerusalem and Food!

Hi Home!

How are you? Good I hope. Things here in Israel are going wonderfully. We finally have a few days of classes this week, after a week of break and more breaks beginning on Wednesday. But everyone is definitely keeping themselves busy around here.

Last Sunday I took a bus to Jerusalem and spent the holidays with my distant family- The Avrahamis. I think by the end of the trip we all knew how we were related... Anyway, it was an amazing trip! Being able to go to Rosh Hashana (Jewish New Year) services in Jerusalem was wonderful, seeing the streets packed with people walking to services and walking home from dinner with family and friends, smelling delicious food at every corner, and hearing the horns blasting through the city saying that the holiday had begun.

Speaking of dinner, I was fed so much food that I can't even remember it all. I went to several meals at The Avrahami's friends houses and, I kid you not, each meal had at least 15-20 options. And if you only had about 8 or 9, they asked you why you were not eating, ha! It was all unbelievably delicious as well. I had lunch one day at an Italian family's home, and instead of a soup or salad appetizer, you were served a bowl of pasta with a choice of 4 sauces! I also had a true Israeli BBQ meal with kabobs, cinammon rice, and fresh hummus. Another interesting food story is that at Rosh Hashana dinner they prepared something similar to a seder plate, but with special Rosh Hashana foods including dates, a leek pancake, beets and pomegranete seeds.

The Avrahami's were also so kind to let my two Korean friends stay as well since they had no holiday plans. It's great having those two around because I never have to take pictures, since they take pictures of everything! It's like having my own personal photographers, I love love love it. My friend Hannah was able to meet up with a Korean priest and we wandered all over the old city seeing lots of holy sites, complete with my Israeli cousins Merav, Eitan and Ben as tour guides. Seriously, my own tour guides and my own photographers... so cool!

I taught everyone Set and Nickels, got to go to a real Israeli b-day party with Merav, did a lot of store glancing, went to the shook, drank turkish mud coffee and yah... really really great time.

How were the holidays at home??

I also heard from Addie and am very excited to go to her wedding on the 22nd! And I'm starting to work on grad school application stuff, scary.

Some friends and I are in the process of planning some trips for the upcoming weeks. Hopefully Jordan and/or Greece will be in there. We shall see!

As for classes, we only have two days of those this week, sort of ridiculous. I did, however, meet with my internship advisor Jimmy yesterday. Basically I'm going to be doing public health spy work for him, ha. He's really into uncovering the corruption in the system by government employees working for industry heads, so I'm going to be doing some letter writing, interviews and researching for him. Should be a very interesting experience...

Please leave comments, I'd love to hear from you.


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