
Addie's Big Fat Jewish Wedding

Yes, that's exactly where I felt as was at just a few days ago. And it was wonderful!!!

I was lucky enough to be able to represent the Shull/Pila Fam at Addie Zaritt's wedding last Wednesday night. It was at a beautiful reception area at Kibbutz Einat, just outside of Tel Aviv. I seriously have never been to a location where I would want my own wedding to be at more than this place, it was really something else. I did find it funny how there still managed to be at least half a dozen stray cats roaming around the wedding, they really are everywhere!

Addie's dress was gorgeous and fit her so perfectly. I got there far too early due to a bus mishap, so I was able to be there for all of the family pictures and pre-wedding chaos. It was also really nice to see some familiar faces and talk Tampa for a little.

I have to say that I have never seen more people standing under/surrounding a chuppah (Jewish wedding covering) in my life. It was like everyone was getting married together :) And there was definitely no walking down the aisle at the end of the ceremony, more like mobs running toward the front to say congratulations. I have to say that I almost shed a tear as Addie was walking down the aisle, it was really beautiful to see her and Gilon so happy.

As always, the 15ish courses they served were incredibly delicious and filling. My favorite, I have to admit, was the open ESPRESSO BAR! Ha, I'm probably the only person in the room who preferred that bar to the real one on the other side of the room. Heaven for Orli :)

Lots and lots and lots of dancing. The highlight for me was when Gilon was lifted standing up, by about 10 people, onto a large wooden board that they danced around the room with. The look on Addie's face when they pushed her to be next was hilarious. She managed to avoid that one, but of course did the chairs. There were even a bunch of english old people songs and rap songs!

Then of course there was the most ridiculous part of the evening... Nancy Kinsler, a family friend from Tampa, was in for the wedding and was graceous enough to let me spend the night in her hotel in Tel Aviv. However, through some mishap the only car back to Tel Aviv at the end of the night was with Addie and Gilon. So, Nancy and I had to get into the "Just Married" decorated car with the newlyweds for the 30 minute drive back to Tel Aviv. It might have been alright if Gilon's entire family didn't bang on the car and sing until we left the Kibbutz. I have never seen anyone as embarassed as Nancy was as she yelled "Duck down Orli, Duck!" But they were completely sweet about the situation and told Nancy she was being ridiculous. I must admit that it has always been a guilty pleasure of mine to know what they talk about on the car ride after :)

Anywayyyyyyyyy it was wonderful. Thank you Zaritt's for everything and Mazel Tov again to Addie and Gilon!!!!!

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