

A little Obama-loving bird informed me that I have yet again been doing a bad job at blog updating. I am crossing my fingers that we will get internet set up in our apartment next week, because we now have Israeli roommates, and I will be much easier to be in contact with.

Speaking of Obama… WOW! I am truly proud to be an American and thrilled of the barriers that have been broken because of this election. We had an election viewing party at school, from 2 AM to 6 AM, complete with live coverage and our own voting ballots, which of course Obama won as well. I didn’t make it till the official announcement, but it was pretty clear when I went to bed who our new president was going to be. It was fun to watch with both Americans and Europeans, always interesting to see all sides of an important issue and see how this election truly impacted the entire world.

My time in Israel continues to be wonderful. I really love all of the friends I have made here and will miss so many of them when they leave after this semester. Like I said, Gaby and I have 3 new Israeli roommates. They are all sweet girls, it is just a bit difficult because their English is not so great and my Hebrew isn’t either. But we all will definitely get along and they brought a microwave, so no complaints!

Because of my movie obsession, everyone has discovered that I brought a big binder of my favorite movies and constantly ask to borrow them. Every Monday night I host a movie night in my room and show movies that I think everyone needs to see, so far they have included The Shawshank Redemption, School of Rock and Rat Race. Next week I’m thinking about either My Big Fat Greek Wedding or When Harry Met Sally. I just wish we had a screen bigger than my laptop, oh well. It's funny seeing 15 people squished together on the floor.

My classes are going alright. I’m doing well in Hebrew, got an A on my first quiz! The class is sometimes a bit slow for me because of the other kids in it, but I am definitely able to understand things and conversations a lot easier than when I arrived. My internship continues to be an interesting experience. I have taken a few trips to their office downtown and met some of the coalition’s staff. They are having a big event in a few weeks with a prominent professor in the field of environmental health from the US coming to speak and hopefully I will get to speak with him a bit as well. My psychology class isn’t that great… the teacher has a strange obsession with Menachem Begin, so we spend the majority of the time comparing everything in society today to his life… eh but it’s only once a week and it’s credit I need to graudate from UF. I think I will have a wider range of classes of interest to choose from during the spring semester.

In terms of Graduate School, I am applying to the MPH Community Health Program at NYU and the MA in Health Education at Columbia’s Teachers College. My personal statement is giving me quite the headache, but I think I’m getting to the point where I feel okay with it. It’s sort of intimidating to put all of your influences and goals into a two-page document, but I know that is exactly why they do it. So hopefully those applications will be done within the next few weeks and then we just have to wait.

The international school sponsored a day trip up to the Galilee a few days ago. We spent some time in the city of Tiberias and saw several beautiful views of the Kinneret (Sea of Galilee). My friend Kaitlin is HOPEFULLY coming in January and we will travel to a few countries because she graduates this fall and has free time! The plans are still in the making, but I am really really hoping this happens.

I am heading to Jerusalem again this weekend to see the Abrahamis and Uncle Bruce, who is bringing me a wonderful package with winter clothing and protein bars from my mom! Oh the little things in life...

Not too much else to update on because we have been staying around here. Just a much more crowded, busy school with all of the Israeli students. I hope things are well at home. I miss you all very much and will talk to you soon!

orli sharone

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oril, negligent Aunt that I am, I sent an email but this looks like the best way to find you and you look MARVELOUS DAHLING! Israel suits you! You are learning and having fun, what could be better!
We are having fun too. Ari is an Eagle Scout, so if you ever need a signal fire lit, be sure to give him a call. Also, next year you will be able to find him at Univ Pitt, not with his brother,but at the School of Mechanical Engineering! Dave completed one semester at school, still having many interesting questions and views about the structure of our University system. He is staying at Pitt for now. Ms. Judith is good, haning in for Honors English and such.

Uncle Murray the "rock" is great and me, well as always dancing on the head of a pin with way too much going on! My Hannukah food of choice this year was the "fried oreo" found on foodporn.com. Oreo deep fried in pancake batter, a great hit of the 1-12 year old set! B&Z are haning in there. Z and I are in a torah study class with a wild guy who was a classmates of Dad on Thursday nights! Lots of fun!

Please send me an email, I have a gmail account, LSRosenberg28@gmail.com. Love you and Happy Hannukah, your gelt is with Mom!
Aunt Lorna